
The Gamification aims to employ electronic games to obtain different information and enhance cognitive awareness while maintaining the element of fun, in this context the Ministry of Health and Prevention allows you to participate in the following electronic games:

Covid-19 Game

A fun, easy-to-use game based on the principle of fighting covid-19 virus through physical movement, precautionary methods, and a healthy food pattern in order to enhance the body's immunity to overcome the virus. This game aims to enhance community members health awareness and the importance of fighting Covid-19 by everyone in the community... Together we win.

The game is based on an immune cell that the player controls its movement within a maze containing the means of lifting immunity

There are also 3 stages based on levels, and each level has a different maze with an increase in the level of difficulty playing.

To start the Game, please click here

Covid-19 Game


The game contributes in promoting awareness of healthy lifestyles by giving participants the skills and information needed to establish healthy habits after the completion of each stage.

To start the Game, please click here


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